" It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer. " <3

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Teaching The Little Ones(:

Today I helped teach a youth Ballet/Tap/Jazz class for 3 hours. The girls are around 6 years old. And they are adorable(: . They try SO hard during class. Being an assistant teacher has truly made me look at dance in a different light. Those little girls inspire me to work harder and try my best in all of my classes every week. They make me want to be a better dancer. One of them said to me today, "I wanna dance just like you." <3 It made me realize how much they look up to the teacher and I. It made me remember being 6 years old and going to dance class being so excited. I have never forgotton that feeling, I still feel it every day as I walk into the studio. I remember my first recital perfectly. I walked onto the stage and was instantly happy. I knew I just wanted to dance forever. <3 It makes me so excited for these girls because I know they have a whole life ahead of them in dance and I want them to enjoy it  just as much as I have. I think that's one reason why I enjoy teaching so much. Hope you like this video, I thought it was pretty funny!

If you watch the little girl in the middle, she struggles so much with first position. She is adorable.

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