" It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer. " <3

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Some Tips For a Dance Audition

Hey everyone! So a few of you have asked me if I had any tips or tricks I use when I'm trying out or auditioning for a dance team, class, or a role in a show. (Think of the Nutcracker) Well today I'm going to share a few of them with you.

1. Appearance
When you are at a dance audition, you want to make a good first impression. You want to look like a candiate as soon as you enter the room. If you come to the try out in the wrong clothes, they might already have you off the team (Or whatever your trying out for) before you even start dancing. The minute you step into the room, they start judging you. At an audition, keep your hair back in a sleek ponytail or bun. Get rid of any whispies with hairgel or hairspray, but don't use so much that your hair looks like plastic. Keep the makeup light. Just a little mascara, chapstick, and foundation/concealer if you need it. Wear appropriate dance attire, like jazz pants, booty shorts, sports bra or tank top, tights if needed, etc. Bring your dance shoes in your dance bag. If this is ballet, wear a simple black leo with pink tights. Do not wear any complicated leos or skirts. Pull your hair into a clean bun, and also keep the makeup light.

2. Be prepared
You should know what will be expected of you before you go to your try out. If the try out is at your studio, your teacher should be able to tell you what you will need to know. There also might be an info flyer at the front desk at your studio or on the studio's website. If your trying out for a Highschool dance team, there should be a sheet in the front desk with information about the team and tryouts. There is nothing worse than showing up at an audition and not being able to do what they are asking.

3. Practice
There will be some things that you cannot practice at home because of space issues or maybe the type of floor you have. But, you should be stretching and doing a little at home practice everynight. If there's something you need to work on that you can't practice at home, ask your dance teacher to help you work on it after before or after class.

4. Make yourself special
You have to make yourself stand out at try outs. If you have something special about you, the judges will have another reason to pick you instead of someone else. For me, it's flexibility. I'm not saying that you should be a one-trick-pony, but deffinently try to show off what you do best!

5. Attitude
Do NOT try to suck up to the judges. A simple "Hi :)" and "Thank-you(:" will do. Let them remember you for your dancing, not your words.

6. Get good rest
The night before your tryout, go to sleep early. Eat a good breakfast and maybe a light healthy snack before your audition. Don't forget to bring a water bottle to your audition if allowed!

Here's a quick video with some more tips for a dance audition! It's kinda long, but it has a lot of information(:

This is pretty much all you can do. The rest of your score will rely on your dancing. But it never hurts to use some tips like these ones! Good luck to anyone who's getting ready for an audition!(:

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